# encoding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2008 H.Miyamoto # Copyright (c) 2007 Makoto Kuwata (TinyEruby) # # License: MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) r"""A fast and compact implementation of ePython - "embedded Python". The original implementation created by Makoto Kuwata (www.kuwata-lab.com>). ePython and epy.py is a python implementation of his logic and eRuby. cf.) 30 Lines Implementation of eRuby """ __version_info__ = (0, 7) __version__ = '0.7' __author__ = 'H.Miyamoto' import re import os class ePython(object): def __init__(self, src=None, encoding='utf-8', filename=None, cache=True): self.encoding = encoding self.filename = filename if src: self.src = src else: self.src = self._read(filename) if filename: self.cache = cache self.cachepath = '.'.join([filename, 'cache']) else: self.cache = None self.cachepath = '' self.delm = '%' self.pysrc = None self.escfunc = None def convert(self): if not self.pysrc: if self.cached(): self.pysrc = self._read(self.cachepath) else: self.__convert() if self.cache: self._write(self.cachepath, self.pysrc) return self.pysrc def cached(self): return self.cache and \ os.path.exists(self.filename) and os.path.exists(self.cachepath) and \ os.path.getmtime(self.filename) < os.path.getmtime(self.cachepath) def _read(self, filename): fh = open(filename) s = fh.read() fh.close() return s.decode(self.encoding) def _write(self, filename, content): fh = open(filename, 'w') fh.write(content.encode(self.encoding)) fh.close() return def __convert(self): def _is_avoid_syntax(code): return code.endswith(':') and \ (code.startswith('else') or \ code.startswith('elif') or \ code.startswith('except') or \ code.startswith('finally')) def _convert(mo): ret = list() text, ch, rawmode, code = mo.groups() if text: if code.strip() == '': text = text.rstrip('\s').rstrip('\t') text = self._esc_quote(text) arg = (self._indent * ' ', text.replace('\n', r'\n')) ret.append(u"%s_buf.append(u'%s')\n" % arg) if ch == '=': c = code.strip() if self.escfunc: c = self.escfunc(c) arg = (self._indent * ' ', c) if rawmode: ret.append(u"%s_buf.append(unicode(%s))\n" % arg) else: ret.append(u"%s_buf.append(_esc(unicode(%s)))\n" % arg) elif ch == '#': arg = (self._indent * ' ', code.strip()) ret.append(u"%s# %s\n" % arg) else: c = code.strip() if c == '': self._indent -= 1 elif _is_avoid_syntax(c): ret.append(''.join([(self._indent - 1) * ' ', c, '\n'])) else: ret.append(''.join([self._indent * ' ', c, '\n'])) if c.endswith(':') and not _is_avoid_syntax(c): self._indent += 1 return ''.join(ret) self._indent = 0 r = re.compile(u'(.*?)<%s([=#])?(r)?(.*?)%s>\n?' % \ (self.delm, self.delm), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) endmark = u'<%s %s>' % (self.delm, self.delm) pysrcbase = u"_buf = []\n%s\n__result = ''.join(_buf)" self.pysrc = r.sub(_convert, ''.join([self.src, endmark])) self.pysrc = pysrcbase % self.pysrc return self.pysrc def _esc_quote(self, text): return text.replace("'", "\'").replace('\\', '\\\\') def render(self, environ): if not self.pysrc: self.convert() if self.escfunc: environ['_esc'] = self.escfunc else: environ['_esc'] = lambda x: x exec self.pysrc in environ return environ['__result'] import cgi class ePythonHTML(ePython): def __init__(self, src=None, encoding='utf-8', filename=None, cache=True): super(ePythonHTML, self).__init__(src, encoding, filename, cache) self.escfunc = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, quote=True)