#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -Ke # ttt.rb ver.0.1 2001/11/01 # ttt.rb ver.0.1.2 2001/11/02 rhtml only. # ttt.rb => Rtds. ver.0.1.2 (Carrol) # Rtds means "Ruby Tiny Diary System." # CodeName are from cocktail. # Rtds. ver.0.1.4 (Princess Mary) 2001/11/04 # -merge Namazu- -mkdir "todo" "ttt(basehtml=$.html-non)"- # Rtds. ver.0.1.5 (Blue Eyes Blue) 2001/11/17-18 # -merge index diarytable-autowritable- # -"~" is
escape- # Rtds. ver. 2001/11/20 -bugfix- # ver. 2001/11/23 -Location-bugfix- # Rtds. ver.0.1.6 (Egg Nog) 2001/12/06 # -with anchor & create Rtds class & readcount method- # Rtds. ver.0.1.7 (Look For The Future) 2001/12/30 # -create fileopen method & create diarytable method- # - require "kconv"(toeuc)- require "cgi" require "kconv" form = CGI.new $version = "Rtds version 0.1.7 (Look For The Future)" #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Rtds def initialize @name = "00" @stream = "" @zero = ""; @one = ""; @two = "" end def fileopen(filename,mode,str) if mode == "r" @file = open(filename,"r").read return(@file) elsif mode == "w" @file = open(filename,"w").write str end end def readcount(str,time) str.each_line { |@line| if @line =~ /^--/ @name = @name.succ! end @line.gsub!(/^--/,"¢§ ") @line.gsub!(/--\r\n/,"\r\n") @line.gsub!("\r\n","
\n") @line.gsub!("~
\n","\n") #@line.gsub!("^

\n") @stream += @line } return(@stream) end def diarytable(str,addmonth,year) if addmonth == "01a" @zero = "01"; @one = "02"; @two = "03" elsif addmonth == "04a" @zero = "04"; @one = "05"; @two = "06" elsif addmonth == "07a" @zero = "07"; @one = "08"; @two = "09" elsif addmonth == "10a" @zero = "10"; @one = "11"; @two = "12" end str.gsub!("","\n#{year}/#{@zero}a | #{year}/#{@zero}b | #{year}/#{@one}a | #{year}/#{@one}b | #{year}/#{@two}a | #{year}/#{@two}b
") end end #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fyear = form['year'][0] fmonth = form['month'][0] fday = form['day'][0] fdayc = fday.to_i if fdayc < 16 fdayf = "a" fdayt = "b" else fdayf = "b" fdayt = "a" end ffile = fyear + fmonth tomoko = ffile + fday kotone = ffile + fdayf mikage = fmonth + fdayf ftime = "

\n" str0 = form['comment'][0] str1 = Kconv.toeuc(str0) fstr = Rtds.new fstr0 = fstr.readcount(str1,tomoko) str2 = "\n\n#{ftime}

" #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// begin hmx12 = fstr.fileopen("#{kotone}.rhtml","r","dammy") hmx12.gsub!("",str2) fstr.fileopen("#{kotone}.rhtml","w",hmx12) print "Location: ./\n\n" #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rescue ayaka = fstr.fileopen("./ttt/base","r","dammy") ayaka.gsub!("rrrrmonth","#{fyear}/#{fmonth}#{fdayf}") ayaka.gsub!("rrrrtime","#{kotone}") ayaka.gsub!("rrrrversion","#{$version}") ayaka.gsub!("","#{str2}") rhtml = fstr.fileopen("#{kotone}.rhtml","w",ayaka) File.chmod(0755,"#{kotone}.rhtml") shiho = fstr.fileopen("./ttt/indexbase","r","dammy") table = fstr.fileopen("./ttt/diarytable","r","dammy") if mikage == "01a" table = fstr.diarytable(table,"01a",fyear) elsif mikage == "04a" table = fstr.diarytable(table,"04a",fyear) elsif mikage == "07a" table = fstr.diarytable(table,"07a",fyear) elsif mikage == "10a" table = fstr.diarytable(table,"10a",fyear) end table.gsub!("#{fyear}/#{fmonth}#{fdayf}","#{fyear}/#{fmonth}#{fdayf}") shiho.gsub!("rrrrrtime",kotone) shiho.gsub!("rrrrrversion",$version) shiho.gsub!("",table) fstr.fileopen("./ttt/diarytable","w",table) fstr.fileopen("index.rhtml","w",shiho) File.chmod(0755,"index.rhtml") rinzi = "

\nTo Do.
\n" + "To Do.¤Î·îÅÙ±Û¤·" + "\n

" fstr.fileopen("./todo/#{kotone}.todo","w",rinzi) print "Location: ./\n\n" end